Tuesday 17 May 2011

First day of the rest of my life, again

Have decided to stay in America. It was possibly the hardest decision I've ever made. It's certainly the first decision I've ever made purely for me. I'm someone who feels guilty over anything I can possibly feel guilty for, as well as somethings you wouldn't believe. Like feeling guilty ordering something more expensive than what anyone else ordered at a restaurant, even when I'm the one paying.
But my solution to the overwhelming guilt is not to be that guy anymore.
I started writing yesterday, it went well. Today I start with the blogs again and other necessary things while I endeavor to be the man I want to be.

Tuesday 10 May 2011

Sometimes you just have to say

I haven't posted in days. I am having one of the worst dilemmas in my life but I worry about writing down my thoughts, which would help, for fear the wrong people might see it. Yay for paper and pen! it's weird that one used to worry about writing things down real time because of who might see but I have a much larger potentially judgmental audience online.

Tuesday 26 April 2011

Still Struggling

In America on holiday. Flight sucked, good to see people. I haven't written since I got here and feel like a failure. am trying to get back in the groove.

Tuesday 19 April 2011

April 19th

I have a salivary gland stone, which hurts in and of itself as well as triggering migraines, which is why I have been so slack the last few days. I also have been taking more sleeping meds because of pain and trying to get used to my CPAP breathing machine so I've been sleeping 12 hours a day.

Yay for me!

I'm published now! http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/54350 . Find it there. It is awesome as am I. I need to learn to blog more. But baby steps, at least I'm moving forward.

Friday 15 April 2011


Worked on Benny at white light, Worked on Breach Book still struggling with a title. Leaning toward Pellaz is Dead. Had a migraine today. can't sleep but am pleasantly drugged. I want to start a writing blog too.                

Thursday 14 April 2011

First day of the rest of my life

On a blog here, started a second blog as part of the 365 days of... project, on Twitter now. Have spent this week getting Breach Book ready. (Need a new title).
I've discovered Smashwords ( http://www.smashwords.com ). I finally feel like I've taken control of my career. Soon I'll be published and even though anyone can do it I feel just as excited as if I just got a print publishing contract.
I figure I'll write on the new story (Benny at White Light is next on the list) three hours a day. 1 to 2 hours on blogging, the odd twitter in the corners and I have a writing career that can even work around a day job for the time it needs to.
So I was panicking about finding the time but I'm all giggles and excitement now