Thursday 14 April 2011

First day of the rest of my life

On a blog here, started a second blog as part of the 365 days of... project, on Twitter now. Have spent this week getting Breach Book ready. (Need a new title).
I've discovered Smashwords ( ). I finally feel like I've taken control of my career. Soon I'll be published and even though anyone can do it I feel just as excited as if I just got a print publishing contract.
I figure I'll write on the new story (Benny at White Light is next on the list) three hours a day. 1 to 2 hours on blogging, the odd twitter in the corners and I have a writing career that can even work around a day job for the time it needs to.
So I was panicking about finding the time but I'm all giggles and excitement now

1 comment:

  1. First steps done!! sounds like a good schedule to keep the momentum going, just make sure you have some non-writing fun as well!
